This is Sherry's Blog about * Spirituality * Crystal Skulls * Angels * Spiritual Dreaming * Crystals & Minerals * Spiritual Protection * Crystalline Grids * and anything else that comes up! My name is Sherry Whitfield, and I am the Guardian, or "Keeper" of the ancient crystal skull known as Synergy. Synergy is what the skull is called but put more precisely, Synergy is the quality of the interactive energy that this skull is said to manifest or represent on the earth at this time. (The skull has a spiritual name, and I'll write about that at a different time.) The definition of the word synergy is "the cooperative action of two or more independent entities, to bring about a total effect or change which is greater than what either can accomplish alone: 1+1 can equal 3 - or even more. Confused? Simply put, it means that when we work together, what we can accomplish by cooperating is potentially much, much more than what any one person could do alone. Respectfully working together in Harmony can accomplish quite a lot! Synergy is also called the “Skull of Joy and Laughter” or “The Laughing Skull.” It comes from a small tribe in the South Pacific and it's a TWIN. The twin is called Harmony. More about Synergy and its twin in other posts... I'll start this post off by saying that I have a significant hearing loss: I wear powerful hearing aids and I read lips. Many people forget I have a hearing loss face to face, but I can't easily communicate on a telephone. Video calls are different - I can see faces and then my lip-reading skills help a lot. A few years ago, my hearing loss led me to I facilitate, edit and write a blog for major Arizona newspaper. The blog was about issues that impact adults with Hearing Loss. I did it on behalf of a non-profit organization called ALOHA - The Adult Loss Of Hearing Association. I was a member of the Board of Directors of the organization for a few years; it's a great organization that advocates for those of us who have hearing loss. A NOTE ABOUT HEARING AIDS: Aids aren't perfect - they are not like glasses where they can often correct your eyesight to 20/20. Hearing aids can help, but they won't work in all situations, and they only have a range of about 6 feet! After 6 feet it can be a problem - or you learn to use other kinds of assistive listening devices, lip readings, etc. But enough of that for now. Back to my first experience writing a blog. The newspaper had a large circulation, and it had some pretty tight deadlines. It wasn’t easy to edit and/or write the posts while I was traveling with Synergy and doing my regular work and other routines on my ranch. I was proud of myself for getting it done. The newspaper stopped doing the blog, eventually, but it was a great experience for me and I decided to write my own blog. Then I got hacked. I didn't give up, although it was tempting. Instead, I started a blog on my online store site- a stable site with good security. I got hacked by a "rival." It was unpleasant and it almost ruined us. The "rival" got what they wanted - they are still around and so successful that they don't seem to feel the need to bother me anymore. That incident doesn't really matter at this point. So...back to this post! I like to write and love to read. Sadly, I am not good at writing fiction stories. I think I would enjoy being able to make up interesting and fast paced stories, but I can't seem to come up with a good storyline. I'm fairly literate, and at certain points in my life I've written factual articles for various small newspapers. I'm OK at writing about things that have happened to me or interviewing someone and writing about what they said. So now you will know that everything I write is always from my own life experiences. I write about crystal skulls, and about various aspects of spirituality, sharing spiritual tools someone could use to raise their spiritual awareness, and other stuff that I think could be interesting or useful to someone. I'm also starting to write about my life a bit, and about being the "Keeper" or guardian of Synergy. I do have a dry sense of humor and that may not appeal to some. In case you wonder, I don't take myself seriously... but I DO take my work seriously. I have a strong connection to the tribe in the South Pacific that has the twin of Synergy. (Harmony.) They are an ancient people, and there is no doubt they know how to work with crystal skulls: their ancestors have always worked with them and they are a part of their daily life. I've learned a lot from them and our interaction and friendship has substantially enhanced my life in so many ways. Those experiences took me down paths that I would never have gone by myself. They opened my mind to new possibilities. Let me be clear: I don't know anything about what someone else should do with their crystal skull. I don't care what other people decide to do with their crystal skull. I only know what I do. For me, crystal skulls are complex energetic spiritual bundles of interesting possibilities! For others they are power objects or maybe something else entirely. I don't argue about anything - or defend anything - that I write about. With all of the upheaval and discord of the past few years, I don't feel a need to add to it. After all, I am the Keeper of Synergy a crystal skull that emanates a high form of co-operation and Harmony, not contention! I believe that each of us have our own experiences and own journeys. Each individual experience is unique to a person, and it's valid for the person having it. Maybe an experience is only valid for the person who has it. Whether we are talking about spirituality or anything else, we all approach life as individuals. What works for me may not work for you. My thoughts about a subject are colored by my experiences so they might be quite different from someone else's. I allow others the freedom to express their feelings, experiences, insights, opinions... My experiences may be very different from yours but that's just me. So, please keep in mind that I will be sharing my opinions - but I am just one person, and I don't know much. I mean to provoke thought, not to simply provoke. I have sometimes caused accidental controversies sharing my approach to working with crystal skulls, my experiences with Synergy and even my own attitude about my own life! That is not my intent, but I never know how people will react to something that is not the mainstream way of looking at a subject. And crystal skulls aren't even mainstream! This is getting too long, so I'll just try to share a few things about myself and give it a rest. I have a Traumatic Brain Injury – also known as a TBI. It happened when I was just over a year old. It was a freak accident – no ones’ fault. My parents didn’t realize how bad it was. No one did. There were no MRI’s or CAT scans back then. Like one neurologist said a few years back, “you didn’t die, so life went on.” That’s exactly how it was. Life went on. I had some weird health issues and a lot of pain in my head, but I lived. We didn't know how bad it was because I didn't die. A number of doctors have since told me that I am a walking medical miracle. Evidently my young brain restructured itself and I went on. I don’t know any other way to be, as this is normal to me. I have had a lot of other strange health issues, which I still deal with at time: seizures, infertility and then miscarriages... my coronary arteries dissected spontaneously, and I had a heart attack at age 37... Extreme weight gain and then extreme weight loss. Other stuff that was not fun. These things come and go. I still deal with brittle bones and hearing loss every day, and a few other things, but I feel lucky to be alive. I will be 70 in a couple of months, and I have far outlived what was ever expected and I am still able to do many of the things that I want to or need to do. All of my issues go back to my TBI and it changed me in ways that we can't know. I am very psychic. I can't help it - it's just how I am. And boy have I tried to get it to stop. Psychic is a fraught word, and I've tried a lot of other ways to describe myself, but finally came back to it. It's also sometimes called being "clairvoyant." That just means clear seeing. I think it's not a good way to describe me! I can testify that I am not always seeing things clearly! I grew up in a family where “ESP” type experiences were not unusual on both sides of my family. We didn't always talk about it outside of the family, but everyone had their own version of the some of the same kinds of things happening. I just had it more - a lot more. Of course, I had no idea that I was psychic. My experiences were normal to me and they never stopped. I didn’t outgrow being this way. I never thought anything was wrong with it until I went to school and realized that other kids didn’t see their Guides or dead relatives or colors around people. (I see the energy (auras) around people, places, things… this includes crystals.) As I got to be an older teenager, I developed a deep need to understand what was happening to me. This brought me to the doorstep of a psychiatrist, hoping for some concrete answers to my very personal struggle with paranormal experiences. I feared I was mentally ill and told him that. He was not totally ethical - and that ended up causing me a lot of pain later, and there are repercussions in my life that still affect me - but that is another story. He had his own issues, but on the other hand didn't think I was insane. He’d been introduced to a psychic physician a few months earlier and taken his workshop on clairvoyance. He immediately recognized that I was describing something he’d heard before. He was exceptionally interested in and open to, my experiences and perceptions. A little too interested in me for my own good. I wanted him to help me to get it to all stop or help me cope with it - but he didn't help me find a way to deal with it and it never stopped. Instead, I spent several years working with and for him and eventually other medical professionals, as a “sensitive” or medical intuitive. This started in 1973. I assisted these doctors in gaining insights into atypical or difficult medical and psychiatric conditions. There were some very good things about working for him as a "psychic" and some very bad things. But that is another story. Over my lifetime, I have collaborated with a number of scientific researchers at the University level. These were individuals who were working to understand subtle energies and states of consciousness. Over the last five decades I have continued to explore what is sometimes call the untapped potential of the human spirit. At times I work with medical professionals, therapists, writers, scientific researchers, engineers and other interested professionals. I am proud to say that my lucid dreaming workshop has been highly recommended by respected research scientists for its easy, yet highly effective techniques. I have also worked with many indigenous medicine people, shamanistic practitioners and other alternative energy healers. With all of this strange stuff happening in my life, you might think I was a natural to work with really strange crystal skulls. But no - I was not interested in them or attracted to them. I had run into a few in my life, but that is a different story. I wasn't interested because I was too busy trying to survive and to have a life that was "normal" and less dramatic with all of the psychic stuff. A crystal skull sure didn't seem like something that would bring me inner peace and less drama. At an early age I’d learned about the idea of living my life on a ‘Middle Path.’ This meant it was a life path of Balance and Self-Responsibility. I wanted and needed this for myself. A place of internal peace. Not a religion, but a spiritual self-discipline that laid a foundation for my life. I wanted spiritual growth and emotional balance, versus more psychic abilities. Many of the psychic people I meet, including most of my family, sadly, have some major integrity issues. I always knew I didn't want to be like them; I wanted another way. I found it. I'm a really busy person. It takes a lot of time for me to write and I don't always have that time. But I've written a lot already for the classes I teach - hundreds and hundreds of pages documenting what I teach, and some of my own history and experiences. Maybe I will copy and paste some of it in blog posts. I'm not sure yet. Face to Face there is a lot you can tell about a person. Online, we rely on their writing skills. Some misunderstanding could occur. I hope not and I’ll try to be clear, but you never know. As I mentioned, I have a background in writing, but it's writing for small newspapers and newsletters and writing many, many workbooks for my classes and workshops. My style might not be as interesting as someone who is good at writing fiction. I can sit and tell stories to groups about things that have happened to me all day long – and that’s what I often do when I travel with Synergy. I encourage people to open their minds to the reality of a world they may not have experienced yet; I encourage them to find out for themselves. Speaking about things that have happened to me is not the same as writing about them. I am careful about sharing the experiences that were sacred to me. I started to write this blog because I wanted to share a few things. Things I've learned working with Crystal Skulls - both an ancient one and many contemporary ones. I'm also interested in sharing about being a Lucid Dreamer, having a Guide that I can see and talk to easily... and teaching classes and workshops about spirituality for about 45 years. Plus, a bunch of other weird stuff. I think I have some unique perspectives - and sometimes things that I write about here just might turn out to be a validation of what someone else has also experienced and let them know that they are not alone. There is not enough time to write as much as I would like to, and my arthritis is pretty bad in my hands... but I'll see what I can do. Until next time.... If you have a chance, please check out our eBay store: (100% positive Feedback since 1998) and our online store at: Blue Star Traders-Ethically Sourced & Carved Synergy Crystal Skulls & More! ( FALL's FEATURED POST IS THE WALL: Taking a Look at Some Scary and Sad Stuff - and Letting It Go. SOME ARTICLES/POST AVAILABLE on Sherry's Blog LOCATED AT: A number are about CRYSTAL SKULLS Also The Dream Lodge - Bear Medicine 'Synergism' THE WALL An exercise in Letting Go - and Taking a Look at the 'Scary Stuff!' Stop The Karmic Dance! A story about my Guardian Angel and Guide and my Grandmother Sherry's "Guardian Angel" Spiritual Development V.S. Psychic Development The Middle Path of Balance and Self-Responsibility Recognizing How Guides, Angels, etc., Communicate With Us Angel's Love Seeing the "Light" The Gifts: A true story. Part One The Gifts: A true story. Part Two and more to come!
Sherry's Blog here hasn't been used a lot because the site was down for a long time and has just been fixed as of the 3rd of September 2024.
However, there are many other blog entries at her online store site: |
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Psychic phenomena has a place in your spiritual growth. Keep in mind that beyond the physical planes, the only 'thing' that is real and permanent is Love. Angels are messengers. The most important message they bring to humanity is one of total love and acceptance. Developing an ever greater ability to give and receive love will bring you joy - and bring you closer to the Divine. My motto is: NO JOY... NO GAIN! |